April 21, 2014

I Cant Stop Smiling

Happy Monday everyone! What a weekend, huh? I know that mine was full of joy and laughter. It started on Friday morning after I got to sleep in till 7:30 because we didn’t have school! I really needed to have this long weekend especially because I haven’t done most of my shopping for bringing presents and trinkets for me.

Friday, I spent almost all of the day with Karissa and Leslie. You ask: what did we do? Well we went shopping! Then a little bit more shopping!! By the end of the day, my feet HURT. For dinner we made crepes, which meant lots of sugar. Naturally, I was very hyper and ready to do something. A little walk around campus lead us to the cafeteria. With the hope of fries in the future, we sneakily got some fries and brought it back to have second dinner of fries, chips and salsa, cheese, and wine. Then we watched the worst movie ever, Austenland. This is where I warn you: NEVER EVER WATCH THIS MOVIE!

After such a wonderful day, I knew the next few would be great and Saturday did not let me down. For lunch we were invited to a big get together that featured tons of yummy Kerala (in India) food and lots of great conversation. To help, the weather was absolutely perfect because I could sit outside without being hot or cold. Constant children running around and never-ending food, it was exactly what Heaven is going to be like! Walking back home was not so much fun because the traffic was horrible—tourist season. Good news though, I haven’t gotten run over yet!

My Easter day started very early, sunrise to be exact (6 am). I made the two-minute walk to the church next door and enjoyed service outside with the sun rising in the background. So many times had I seen that view but this was different. I joined with about 80 other staff and students for breakfast in a beautiful backyard of the Principal’s house. I got home around 8:30 am and felt like my day should be over already. That led to a lazy morning talking to family and friends over Skype. After lunch on campus, we had a girl’s afternoon watching a movie and talking.

Being invited to go out for dinner by Joice (my coworker who is like a mom to me) and her husband (Selva), I went home and got some work done before dinner. I got picked up and it wasn’t till about an hour later did we finally make it to the restaurant. We were for sure on India time for moving from place to place, having dinner, and going to sleep. I came home as a happy, full, but tired camper. It was so great to spend my Easter evening with people I could call my family. God is so good in providing me with this security of love and joy.

I am now on my very last week of teaching. EEEEK! I would like to list some random thoughts/facts of the last four months.
1. I have read 11 books since I have been here and I plan to finish two or three before I get home.
2. I have been washing all of my clothes by hand.
3. My morning consists of coffee, toast, and Bible.
4. The amount of movies that I have gotten to see is uncountable.
5. My favorite subject that I have taught was Set Theory.
6. Every time I speak Tamil to natives, they are surprised and full of smiles. Then they begin to speak rapidly to me and I become clueless.
7. My favorite southern Indian dish is dosa.
8. I only got sick once, which was at the very beginning of my stay here.
9. My classroom isn’t mine. There are about four different classes in the room. I have to bring all my materials to class everyday and can’t leave it.
10. I speak and hear French on a daily basis but I don’t think I have improved much at all.

I hope you enjoyed the stories and pictures. Next time you hear from me, I will be seriously preparing to come home to the (hopefully not snowy) Montana. My excitement is rising as the days go by but at the same time, I am beginning to morn the adventurous life I have here. I will miss being exposed to so many different cultures in one day and the chance to learn about how students and adults alike learn and communicate. I would like to ask for prayers for the future on where I will be teaching next school year. God hasn’t shown a clear path to me yet and I am trying to be patient on hearing back from schools. Thank you and love you all!

1 comment:

  1. I cant wait to have you home but I am going to miss reading about your Indian adventures.
