May 3, 2014

Goodbye KIS Family

Well, I leave today for my two-day trip back home to Montana. It is surreal to know that soon I will be driving around town, visiting family, and walking across “the stage” to receive my degree in Mathematics. The last week has been full of happiness, excitement, and goodbyes. Let me tell you a bit about it.

I finished up all of my teaching and had a end of the year meeting with my two mentor teachers. We figure out my grades for the semester and I finished up with all A’s. When this meeting was done I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders and really began to see the light at the end of the tunnel towards school.

This last week I have been taking every chance to say goodbye to friends by eating out with them (dosas, my favorite) and hanging out. It’s always weird to say goodbye because it always seems like there will be another time that I will see them or that there is one more day that I will be here. On Thursday though this week, the Math Department had a little going away party for me with a lovely cake and snacks (Indian street food actually). They were all super sweet for saying nice things about me and we sat telling stories and talking about my future. Here are some photos.

Friday was the toughest day this week. It was my last school day so in all of my classes I brought cookies and took a photo with them. There were so many hugs all throughout the day with my students and my colleagues. My students ended up making me a poster with all of their signatures and nice notes. They also bought me a few presents: a scarf, a jewelry box, and two cakes for a not so surprising surprise goodbye party. I ended up talking to a handful of students and they were telling me how I was the best math teacher they’ve ever had. A lot of the students were sincerely telling me that they would miss me. Honestly, I was so surprised and flattered that I had made a difference in these students’ lives. I had the first experience of the beautiful outcome of being a teacher--being apart of the lives of students. Here are a few photos from the day of goodbyes.

Now I finish off with the fact that I am all packed up, drugged up (for motion sickness), and finished up with being here in India. The things that I have learned from the experience are huge and I am sure in ten years I will still see the effect that the trip has had on me. The great thing is that I am coming home with a job offer in hand for next school year and a hopeful interview in the mid of next week. There are so many things to look forward to which makes my departure so much easier but I still thank the Lord for all He has given me in this trip. Well, I am off! I am sure that I will talk and see lots of you when I am state-side. All my love!

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to end your adventure. I am so happy I was able to visit, I feel like i know and love your Indian home also. Dad
