April 14, 2014

WHAT? Three weeks?!

Wow! I looked to see when was the last time I wrote and I was surprised to see that it was more than a week ago. I guess I would say that the time is flying by really fast! Today is Monday, which means I only have three more weeks here in India. This week I have a four-day week of teaching because of Easter and the same for next week because of elections. I have to say that the time has gone by quickly and the last month has been a very enjoyable one.

One Saturday night, I chaperoned the grade 9/10 Formal Dance at a local hangout, the Kodai Club. I dressed up in my new beautiful sarree that my good friend Joice bought for me. With Karissa by my side we braved the rain and big puddles to arrive to a nice restaurant and great dance floor. The students began to arrive in their way too short dresses and very expensive suits with flowers and presents in hand. Not one student was wearing a traditional to them attire but more of a Western dress. After a great meal, we braved up to the dance floor to make sure students are safe and being appropriate. I found myself dancing with a few of my students after a dare from a student. Wearing a sarree, I wasn’t able to show my best dance moves but I was able to impress some students.

In the last few weeks I have gone to a drama play by the high schoolers, the grade school talent show, and staff recital. I have gotten the chance to do a bit more shopping but the plan is this Friday I have off I will do a major shopping day. Not only have I been busy with school and school activities, but I also have been busy preparing myself for applying for teaching jobs and contacting schools and districts that I am interested in jobs. This is much more difficult that I would have thought but I am hopeful that this week will give me a chance to actually talk to the schools.

I have been thinking a lot about my summer to come and next year. I will be back in my hometown this summer, Helena. Living in Helena will give me a chance to be around my mom and be apart of some momentous life events for my friends. I have 9 weddings this summer and one of them I will be a bridesmaid in. Another friend of mine is recently pregnant so I will get to be with her in this fun time of her life. I look forward to catching up with some family friends who I don’t get time to be with very often. Of course, I hope to have some sort of traveling or trip this summer and it seems like I will be going to California to help out at a camp for the blind called Extreme Mobility.

This weekend is Easter and I am happy to say that I will be celebrating this great holiday with friends once again. I wish you a Happy Easter! I will for sure write again before I head home. Love you all!