January 13, 2014

Ups and Downs

It is Monday afternoon and today marks one week of being at Kodai. The last week has been stretching and challenging to the point of I can’t decide if the next four months will be excruciating slow or surprisingly fast. I have had some moments of great depression and I have had those moments of awe in discovering this new country and culture of India. There are two parts of my life here in India that brings their own praises and challenges: the everyday life of living in India and teaching at an International School. I am continually challenged on letting God have full control of both of these things and learning how to once again be meek and humble in the situation I am in. Let me tell you what I have been up to.

On Thursday and Friday I had the first few days of classes and nothing went as I had expected. I had learned that my cooperating teacher, Graham, has only three sections and that his schedule for teaching is quite small compared to what I would teach in the US or even here at KIS (Kodaikanal International School). This is because he is the MYP Coordinator for grades 6-10 which does take up a lot of his time. Knowing this I started to scramble with ideas of how to make the most of my time here. After talking to Graham and a few other teachers I seemed to get a schedule that will work in theory. I say this because its not quite put together fully and probably won’t be for a few more days. This what seems like my teaching life will be like here at KIS. I will be observing and eventually teaching the three sections of Graham’s (a very English guy) which is 10th grade mathematics (maths as everyone calls it here), observing (maybe teaching) one 11th grade French section with Dominique (a very French guy), observing one 11th grade math section with Shubhankar (a very Indian guy), and observing a low level math class with Steven (a normal American guy). Also, I believe that I will have in a sense “office hours” for 11th and 12th graders who are struggling in their math classes. Also, I will be trying to work with 11th and 12th graders in an after school program that will provide the students to help younger students in their math schoolwork.

Working at the school has been great but different from anything I have ever experienced in Montana. Some things that I have seen here that are different include prayer before my Math Department meetings, teachers and students eating at the same place, the chance to see students outside of the classroom around campus at all hours of the day, and the sense of community found in the students and staff. Today, Monday, was a much better day of observing and participating as a teacher in the classroom and I feel like I soon will be able to fit in at KIS.

Over the weekend I walked around Kodai quite a bit and went on a hike to Pillar Rocks. The view was of the beautiful mountains called that Palani Hills. I greatly enjoyed feeling like I am at home with the mountains all around me. As I discover the town more and more, I realize how many things are to be found out and studied while I am here. I finally bought a blanket to keep me warm at our house (yes it is cold here!). I still have difficulties in my everyday life but the desire to overcome them and not see them as so huge has grown in the last few days. I have so much more to say and talk about but I must be going. I am off to have dinner at a Tibetan restaurant!! I will write soon again especially about my special Sunday morning at church. I could write so much about it that it will probably take another post.

I ask for prayers for my Chi Alpha family who is in Madagascar right now on a mission trip. Also, if you would like to, there is a place to put your email in and follow me. Till next time!


  1. It sounds like your hectic first week is settling into a busy schedule.

    1. Yes!! the key word is SCHEDULE :) its nice to know what I am doing

  2. Kinda Ironic that you are surrounded by teacher that are men, from the sounds of it at least! ;) haha Praying for you and the Madagascar Team for sure!

  3. I'm constantly praying for you. Trust and be still. :)

    1. Thank you so much Chelsea!! :) It means a lot hearing that there are people who are praying for me.
