January 2, 2014

Starting 2014 with a BANG!

Hello everyone! First of all I would like to say Happy New Year. My resolution this year is to keep a continual travel blog which is what you are looking at. To start off this resolution I have a big trip to India for a whole four months beginning on the 3rd of January. I am going to live in a town called Kodaikanal which is in the south of the Tamil Nadu state. I will be student teaching in a 10th grade math class and a French class at Kodaikanal International School. Because the school is an International School all of the classes are taught in English and the students/staff represent over 30 nationalities. The city I will be living at is in the mountains which will provide much comfort and I can't wait to discover the surrounding beauty!

Preparing for this trip has been very difficult compared to my summer in France because I am not sure what I will need clothing wise and I can't fully prepare myself for teaching in such a different culture. Packing has been fun and a challenge but after some advice from family and friends, I was able to get all of my stuff in one check bag (a large backpack) and two carry-ons (personal backpack and small rolling luggage). A few fun and interesting things that I packed along are a water bottle that kills bacteria and viruses by UV light, huckleberry salt water taffy for my students, a Montana calendar, Flathead Cherry tea as a thank you gift for my cooperating teacher, Nutella, Montana coffee cup, slippers, and importantly my camera to take lots of pictures.

My preparations has been full of prayer on seeking what God has in store for me and how this trip will mold me for my future. It is hard going with knowing that my community of support will be completely different but I trust that God will be there for me in all situations. I look forward to meeting my students, being apart of their transformation into adults, and hopefully showing them God's light by letting Him be Lord of my life. Prayers are greatly appreciated for my crazy four days of travel to get to Kodaikanal. Well off I go! Love you all very much!!!



  1. You are going to have a wonderful time and I cannot wait to hear of your adventures here.

  2. Congrats on your arrival. Best wishes for teaching day #1 on Wednesday January 8 and a great start to your four months in India.
