October 19, 2014

2 Months

Wowzers! I have been here for now more than two months and it still feels like yesterday I flew into Dillingham. This coming up week will finish off quarter one at school. Can you believe it? Thankfully it is a four-day week with students and then on Friday I will have in-service. During these in-service days we usually have informational meetings such as improving teaching skills or meeting with other math/science teachers. For me, in-service days are low stress days so I am very thankful for them.

Well I must tell you what I have been up to in regards to school. Other than teaching all-day and working with two professors at the local community college, I have a handful of other things that I have partially taken on either by choice or not. I am on the Math Committee and this year is a big year for the committee because we have “Math adoption”. This means that we will be ordering new Math books and oh boy, is this really important and mildly stressful. Also I am co-leading the middle school MATHCOUNTS after school once a week. This is fun because I am getting to see and be around a whole other population of the school-middle schoolers! The other role I play during school is the 9th grade Advisor. Another low-stress job but I actually get paid for this one! Recently I have been assigned to another group called the Data Group. I still haven’t been able to figure out what this group will look like.

School is a big part of my life but I am starting to expand on my outside of school life. The last few weeks I have solidified the church I am apart of. It is a church that is two doors down from my house called the Moravian Church. God has been great in affirming the decision of being apart of this church and I am starting to feel apart of the community. Last week there were many connections to my life and the church. I am helping with AWANA every Thursday. AWANA is a program for younger children to learn and memorize verses. Apart from church, I am almost regularly going to an indoor soccer fun thing that one of my students puts together. Its great to get some workout at the same time of hanging out with some awesome kids!

Here are a few photos that I have taken over the last few months! Sorry for such a long time lapse in my posts. I would greatly appreciate prayers. My life is definitely a roller coaster when it comes to teaching. Thank you for reading!!!

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