March 26, 2014

Let's Play a Game of Catch Up

Like the title says, I am in dire need to inform you about many events that happened since the last time I posted. I realize how much I write every time I post so my effort for the rest of my time here is to get-to-the-point! On this post I plan to update you on everything before my dad came to visit me. Then, you will have to come back again to see my post on the adventurous, whirlwind of a trip in a few days. Alright, let the game begin!

Field Day
The first week of March started with lots of anxious students constantly talking about how we have Friday off from school for an all-school event called Field Day. The track and field event started off with a school assembly where everyone was wearing one of the school colors: blue, orange, or white. After a few “pep-rally” cheers, all 500 of us walked to the nearby track area. All day Friday and part of Saturday, there were continuous activities going on for all students to participate in such as running, hurdles, long jump, high jump, shot put, and discus. All the students and staff continually were cheering on the athletes and the feeling of good-hearted competition was always around. I got the chance to see many of my students participate in activities that clearly gave them joy. It was great to celebrate their achievements with them as they crossed the finish line or jumped the farthest they could. I would say it was the best way to spend a sunny day and especially if we get a day off from school! Here are some various photos of students and staff.

Pi Day
Another great day this month that took lots of hours to prepare for was Pi Day, March 14th if you did not know. The math department at the high school (pretty much just Shubhankar, Joice, and me) prepared to be in charge of the all-school assembly that happened to be on Pi Day. We decided to have a Math Quiz competition so five groups that had three people answered questions about all types of topics found in math. Everyone enjoyed the time and we finished with students reciting the digits of pi and the record at the high school was 51 digits. The middle/grade school had students recite up to 200 digits!! I had lots of fun preparing the quiz with students but I was so glad to be done with the stress.

Festival of Colors- Holi
Now I get to the good part that I have been waiting for all semester, the Festival of Colors to celebrate Holi. Of what I have gathered, Holi is a holiday that celebrates the start of spring and at the beginning of it, Indians celebrate with throwing color powder at each other. This part is mainly celebrated in Northern India but because the school loves to have fun, we decided to have our own festival of colors. I arrive about 5 minutes early and students are already throwing water balloons at each other but no colors yet. So right away Karissa, Leslie, and I got into the powders and began throwing at each other and at the students! It was great to see the students let go and to let go myself. Many times I got the chance to get my students with lots of colors and of course, they got revenge on me. Here are some great snap shots that I got from the afternoon.

Well I will stick with those three stories for this post. I hope you enjoyed the pictures. I would like you to all know that this month has been much better than last! I am definitely in the swing of teaching and I greatly enjoy my students. The last few weeks I have seen all the things that I am thankful for in this experience and one is all of the people that I have met. They are all truly dear to my heart. Until next time!

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