February 19, 2014

I am ALWAYS learning

Every week I am so amazed that it has been again one week that has gone by. With this said I have only been here for six weeks, which means I have about 10 more weeks left. (OH MY!) The last week was very stressful and full of schoolwork because I had another observation that fell on a day where students began a whole new topic. This meant that I needed to prepare to present the basics of vectors. The topic was not particularly interesting so trying to be okay with a potential busy and boring lesson was impossible. I continually have revelations towards teaching and what I desire for my future classes that I will be responsible for. The hard part about student teaching is getting to the point where you feel like it is your class and that you have the right to do whatever you want to do. Right now, I just feel like I am continually trying to please my cooperating teacher and the people around me. Enough of this though because I know that it takes time to feel comfortable in the classroom completely.

The biggest thing that happened the last week was something called One Billion Rising. This is something that was created last year that brings attention to violence against women. People all around the world on Valentines Day danced in flash mobs. The students and staff at my school participated in the event therefore I danced with all of them. It was a great way to get students passionate for a cause that really mattered in the world. Here are a few photos from it.

For the night of Valentines Day I ended up having a girl’s night. We got dinner to go at this place that makes fabulous roll-up sandwiches that were the amazing spicy taste that most Indian food has. Then we went to our friend Leah’s place and watched a movie and talked a lot! It was nice to be with my friends here but I sure did miss my friends at home.

On Saturday the weather was very gross most of the day because the clouds came in on the mountain and created heavy fog and mist. This was the perfect time to sit at home and read my book. I ended up finishing the book that was only a quarter through when I started it. Of course, Nicholas Sparks books have always been quick reads for me. Saturday night, Karissa and I were invited to go to a going away dinner for a friend who was going back to the US. We ended up having a very European meal and it made me miss France and Europe. There was great company and I mainly enjoyed being able to listen to what all the people had to say. Again, traveling and living abroad brings the most different people into my life.

To finish off the weekend, my Sunday was great! I went to church and Bible Study. Afterwards, Karissa and I went grocery shopping to the market and bought everything that is needed for the week. Actually for the first time, I tried a real passion fruit! It was very good but the texture of it was slimy and in general weird. It took a bit of courage to try it but after I did, I knew that I loved the fruit.

This week so far has included a lot of grading papers. I also caught a lizard/gecko type creature that fell from the drapes when Karissa was closing them. We named it Skreech! I am starting to get some photos with my favorite teachers so here they are! Hope you guys have a great week!

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